You, Your Family, Your Money

7 unique ways to unwind after a stressful week of working from home.

photo of a woman posing

Photo by Terricks Noah on

With the new norm, most people are now working from home, saving time on commute, spending endless time on phone conferencing and becoming experts in using technologies such as Zoom, Skype, webex etc. right in the comfort of their living room. 

With all work activities now taking place at home, how can we unwind and separate ourself from work after a hard and exhausting work week?

In the past, our Friday afternoon routine involved meeting up with co- workers at a popular bar or engaging in more team building activities at an arcade. Since we are now working from home, we have to find other ways of winding down after a stressful week.

I have a few ideas for you!

All you need is a little self-love! I have gathered a list of simple good of old fashion ideas that will help you destress, reenergized and get your mind off work until the following weekend!

1.Get out of the house

I have listed this one as number one for a reason. Think about it, as long as you’re in the same area where you work, you will always feel like working.

You will always feel the need to check on emails or to do this one thing in case you forget. Turn off your work phone, your laptop and get out of the house.

Go for a walk, go to the backyard, take your dog on a walk but remove yourself from the workspace. I can assure you that you will feel better.


I have found that Yoga is an excellent way to destress and unwind and clear out any negativity that you are feeling. It’s also a great way to relieve tired and knotted muscles and remains healthy and the good thing is, it is inexpensive!

If you’re clueless about yoga, simply check out one of the million videos that posted on YouTube. Get your yoga mat or a towel if you don’t have a mat, and a water bottle and say good bye to any stress, tension or frustration that you feel.

3.Eat, Love, Meditate

Mediation is another great way to destress and unwind. If you want to forego the physical element of yoga and want to take a more relaxing approach, then mediation is for you.

Mediation actually helps you reduce negativity in areas such as depression, stress, anxiety, frustration etc. and will restore your inner peace.  I know that it may be a little difficult to concentrate and remain completely still for more than a minute but if you can master this, then it will be well worth it.

You just need a few minutes to make it work. The best part is that you can practice mediation anywhere.

If you are having a difficult time with mediation, there are countless videos that you can get online, at your local library and perhaps purchase one online.

4.Take a Bubble bath

What is a better way to unwind than with a warm scented bubble bath? I mean who doesn’t enjoy a bubble bath at the end of the day. I know that I do!

Did you know that bubble baths help with your breathing, gives your immune system a boost, it is perfect for relieving sore joints and muscles and best of all helps you sleep better?

To get the most out of your bubble bath, be sure to choose the right product with natural ingredients since some of the chemicals can get into your body through your pores.

Click here and here to get examples of natural bubble baths soap that you could use.

5.Listen to your favorite songs

How many of you have a list of favorite songs on your phone that you can listen to over and over again, which helps calm your nerve or simply put you to ease?

We all do. It may be jazz. R & B, classical or whichever is your favorite, turn it on and feel all tension work their way out.

Research has actually confirmed that music does help with relaxation and stress management. So if you have had a hell of a work week and just want to calm down- turn on your music and get your noise cancelling ear phone and crank it up!

8.Have a glass of Red wine.

If you’re into having a glass or wine here and there, then this might just be the solution. Did you know that according to scientists, red wine actually contains an ingredient which helps relieve stress in the brain?

However before hitting your wine bar, please check with your doctor and ensure that you are ok to have a glass of red wine..

7.Go for a jog

If physical exercise is your thing jogging,ran-walking or fast pace walking might just be the thing to help you calm your nerves, relax your muscles, clear your mind and it is a great stress reliever.

Jogging,walking or any form of physical exercise does have a way of relieving stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline and stimulates endorphins.

And guess what all you need  is 20 mins of your time and a pair of running shoes and some eyeliner if you want and get going.

I really hope that this list helps you. There are several other ways to relax during the pandemic.These are my personal favs and find that it works in getting me relaxed and helps calm me down. I hope they work for you too.

Exercise would cure a guilty conscience


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