You, Your Family, Your Money

7 simple ways to earn extra income during Covid-19.

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Photo by Christina Morillo on

Let’s be honest! The Covid-19 virus has put us in a sticky situation. Literally! I mean from losing our jobs to dating virtually and organizing drive-by birthday celebrations, we are out of our element in a way that we have never been before.

To make matters worse, some of us are pinching pennies from our government emergency benefits whilst the fortunate ones are trying their hardest to juggle working from home and comforting their crying 3-year-old. To the unfortunate ones, I say to you –there is hope!

If you are now out of a job due to Covid -19 or in quarantine there are several ways to make money from home. All you need is access to a working computer/ laptop and an internet connection, you’re on your way to earning some income.  There are numerous options  that are available which includes:

1.Provide online tutoring

Lots of parents are now concern that their child is missing out on their education with the transition from in class learning to online learning. Working from home and having to home school your kids to fill in the gap at the end of the day is tiring!

When my 10-year-old was given only 30 mins of online school, I tried the homeschooling thing, but found out very quickly that I needed help. Thanks god, for online tutors!

So, more and more parents are turning to online tutors for help with providing their kids with the extra push that they need.

If there is a particular subject that you feel like an expert in- I say go for it. Or better yet, if you are a qualified teacher, offering online tutor services is definitely a bonus and money in your pocket. One added tool that helps is a Curriculum workbook which comes in based on the grade. For example, when my son was in grade 5, I purchased a grade 5 Curriculum workbook which helped tremendously.

2. Complete online surveys

Surveys are also another popular means of gaining income. I would advise though to be careful with the ones that you pick. Some survey companies offer gift cards, related products and others offer cash.  

One of my friends who happened to be a video game fanatic did a survey on different video games and he received a pair of gaming glasses like this one.

My advice is to choose the ones that is worth your time and effort and will out some serious money in your pocket.

3.Open a YouTube channel

Today the entire world turns to YouTube for any “how to situation” that you can think of- I know that I have. From recipes to how to fix up my car and even how to play a musical instrument, YouTube has it!  

Having a YouTube channel, allows you to promote a product, a skill and service and discuss a topic that is dear to you. The best part is that YouTube pays you to advertise on your channel. Isn’t this amazing!

All you need is a laptop or computer. a good pair of earphones with a microphone and you’re well on your way to earning some money!

4. Deliver goods for Amazon

Let’s be honest, Covid -19 now has everyone bond to their homes. Their online shopping habits has grown tremendously and so the need for delivering such groceries, furniture, shoes, and even automotive parts online have increase. So is the demand for delivery drivers. That’s where you come in!

Delivering goods  can be a perfect way to make some extra income, just ensure that you practice social distancing and wear your mask and glove.

5.Open an Affiliate Marketing Business

Ok you may be saying what the heck is Affiliate marketing? But believe affiliate marketing has been around for a while and is now gaining lots of popularity among publishers, bloggers, or anyone who has an online business.

It is a simple strategy where publishers promote the products of different advertisers on their content, website, blog etc using affiliate links and receives a commission if a consumer buys their products.

There are thousands of companies out there which uses this strategy for their business. Amazon is the most popular, eBay, Costco is another. Chances are most of the big retailers do have an affiliate program or may be an advertiser as part of an affiliate network such as CJ or link share.

So if you do have a website or a blog, you can easily sign up, start promoting and start making big bucks!

6. Work as an Online Freelancer

Believe it or not, there are many companies who are simply looking for a freelancer to help with help with their day to day duties.

Not only big companies but start up,  small business, and even busy individuals are looking for some sort of online freelancer.

To get these gigs, you can either advertise your services and they will come to you or you can visit board such as upwork and flexjob. Can you believe how much some of these jobs pay?

7. Sell products online

A lot of us have a talent in doing something, be it making natural products, scented soap, jam, scented candles, buying and selling vintage clothes whatever it is, you too can earn some extra income by selling it online.

One craft that I was passionate about and took up was buying and selling used furniture. I found that this was an easy way to make money since no one wants to buy an expensive piece of new furniture.

And the best part is there are plenty of places where you can advertise your products- on social media Kijiji, eBay, Craigslist and even Amazon.

Now this list is by no means all the ways that you can earn money during these unprecedented times but it’s a start.

In the mist of crisis, lies great opportunity

Albert Einstein

This post consists of affiliated links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.

Images from Pexels

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