You, Your Family, Your Money

How to find your true passion

man in brown hat doing a painting

Photo by Efrem Efre on

Hey everyone- How many of you know what your true passion is? How many of you go to work every day and just feels that there is something more that you should be doing? I can tell you at least one-third of people in this world do not know what they’re good in, what their passion is or what is it they really want to do.

I will show you a few simple ways to perform some self-exploration to find out what you’re good in or what you’re passionate about. I will show you a few ways to explore and find out what you’re good in and I challenge you to give it a try. Ok let’s go!

Chase your passion, not your pension

Denis Waitley

1.Track what you were doing when you were the happiest, who you were with and where you were in that moment. How do you spend your free time, where do you go and with whom. If there is something that makes you happy, you can easily tell. You will do this thing over and over again.

2. Cut out photos of what makes you happy, the places, the things. Take a look at all the photos and pictures that you have set aside and analyze it. What is the common theme that you see. What are all the pictures about?

3. What do you think that you do well. What activities brings you joy or what do you get complements on. When you do something well and it brings you joy, this is an indication that this is you! This is your thing.

4. Ask your friends, family members what they think that you do well. Ask your colleagues, co-workers what they think that you are good at. You may choose to take their feedback into consideration or not.

5. Lastly and most importantly- get rid of social media for a while, play less video games, eat less junk foods etc. When you get rid of this stuff, you force yourself to start looking for other things to do and form other creations. A simple exercise to do is google a list of hobbies and try them out. Find out which ones excites you and continue at it and see where it takes you.

So there you have it- 5 simple things that you can do to find your true passion.

If there are any other ways that you have experienced in finding your true passion, please feel free to share it with others.

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