Your Money

Ridiculous Ideas which may generate more than your Passive Income

Hey fans, are you sitting at home, trying to decide how you will pay for your bills with the little money that you receive?

Or, you’re on mat leave and have to revamp your budget in the hope of making ends meet and still can’t make it.

I have the answer for you. You need to get yourself a side hussle! But fear not, I have a list of suggestions for you.

And get this, you don’t need to have a degree to pursue these ideas, nor do you need to have a business plan.

All you need is determination and patience!

1. Blogging

Blogging is one of the coolest ways in which one can earn passive income. It allows you to help others by sharing your experience and expertise with them to provide a solution to their problem.

woman in white long sleeve shirt using macbook pro

The good news is that there is little to no start up cost, no research to be done, just you helping others by writing.

Now the interesting part is that, you can monetize the articles that you write about. You can do so in various ways such as writing sponsored articles, affiliate links and advertising on your blog.

To get started, you will need a website which needs to be registered with a domain,, a web hosting site such as Bluehost and you’re well on your way.

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2. Rent a Room

Renting a room is another great way to generate extra income. If by any chance, you have an extra room in your house that you do not use, or an un occupied basement that’s livable, why not rent it out.

You can either go the Air BnB route or you can do the regular monthly rental. Either way, you will be adding extra income to provide for your family.

3. Rent your car or van.

Another great option is to rent your car or your van. There are lots of people out there who do not have a vehicle and would like to have a car for a day or two.

couple getting carton boxes out of red car while relocating in new home

Or better yet, they are moving and would like to rent a pickup truck or a van. That’s where you come in.

If your car or van is available and it is in good condition, why not rent it out, earn some extra income and pocket it! You can’t go wrong.

4. Rent out home equipment

Can you believe that there are people out there who looking to use equipment for a day but they are not willing to purchase it?

Equipment such as bar b cue grills, tools, even land mowers can be rented out to people who’s not interested in buying the equipment but only want to use it only once or twice.

Hey, if Home depot can do it, why not you!

5. Vending machines business

Vending machines are a lucrative business that anyone can pursue to earn passive income, believe it or not. Imagine buying a case of a item and selling them individually for the same price in which you purchased it.

How can you not make a profit. All you need is the vending machines, a good location and time to replenish out of stock items.

6. Freelancing

Being a freelancer is a win-win. Whether it be freelancing on a side, or freelancing fulltime, the benefit will lead to earning passive income.

If you are able to work at home, remotely, pick up multiple projects then you will love a freelancing gig. All that is needed to find your passion, be good at it and you’re on your way to success.

There are several online companies out there such as, Upwork, flexjob, etc. which you create a profile, sell yourself and pick up gigs from there.

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7.Create and Sell an eBooks

Today, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to write a book, nor does it requires a person who a few degrees to publish a eBook.

Guess what, you can now self publish your ebook on Amazon. Gone are the days when only highly intelligent people could write a book, now anyone can that this includes you.

Writing an eBook, can generate an income for you if you have a unique and interesting content. So check it on

8.Affiliate Marketing

A lot of you may be saying what the heck is Affiliate marketing and how the heck are you suppose to generate an income from this.

But fear not, affiliate marketing is the easiest thing ever. It is simply earning a commission by promoting other company’s products.

Affiliate marketing can be done through blogging, through a website or through social media by using affiliate links.

To obtain the links to different companies and their products, you may have to sign up with Affiliates network like CJ Affiliates or Rakuten which consist of hundreds of companies who wants to promote their products.

9.Sell Photos online

black dslr camera mounted on black tripod

Selling photos online is a unique way to earn extra income. If you are an expert in photography and have numerous photos sitting on your computer or camera, you can actually create a website and sell these photos.

Believe me, there are bloggers, writers, students etc. who are looking for photos to add to use. Trust me, you can’t go wrong. Look into websites such as getty Images and shutterstock to find out how to get started.

10.Open a YouTube Channel

Today, there are millions of videos on YouTube which shows any topics which you can think of. These YouTube touches the lives of people all over the world.

mokup smartphone technology phone

The cool thing is you can actually get paid if you advertise on your video. Lot of youtubers are now earning a six figures by posting videos. You too can do it.

11. Creating Website themes

Honestly speaking, creating a website theme is one which will require technical skills. However if you do have this skill and you are able to create website templates, you’re on your way.

Creating website can be rather lucrative since it is not an average skills. If you do, more power to you. Do it and get some money rolling in.

12. Work as a Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants are normally contractors who work remotely by helping businesses perform a specific task such as social media management, bookkeeping, graphic design etc.

Your first step into the VA world is to determine your skill set, your niche, type of service etc and a pricc point.

woman in white polo shirt holding a pen near laptop

Once you have done this, startup is fast, easy and affordable. Trust me, there is a growing need for VA and if you are ready to go there are website such as upwork and flexjob which you can register on to get your first gig going.

And, better yet, you can choose to work full time, part time, on weekend or maybe in the evenings. It’s entirely up to you.

13. Writing Sponsored Post

Are you a writer, a blogger, editor or just love writing in your spare time? then writing Sponsored Post may be just the thing that you’re looking for to earn extra income.

You wouldn’t believe that there are companies out there who would pay you to write articles on their behalf. An of course -cha ching-Money in your pocket!

I have to be honest though, these gigs are hard to come by and so you have to continue searching for them. If you do have a website, you can put in a “hire me” page so that companies are aware that you are interested.

However, when you do get a gig, you can make money by setting your rate based on the number of words in the post that you write.

Writing sponsored post can be done anytime that is convenient for you as long as you meet the deadline of the project. Check out websites like tap influence, blog meet world and Linqia

14. Rent out your parking spot

Renting out your parking spot is a given. Before I purchased a car, I was able to rent out my parking spot to families who had two cars.

This option works perfect in any location but is ideal especially if you live in a downtown area. Normally the fee to park a car in any downtown area is ridiculous.

Anyone who drives to work would most likely need a parking spot. That’s where you come in. Do what research and try to rent out your spot at a competitive rate.

I can assure you that you will at least be able to purchase groceries with this change.

15.Sell Products online

Do you have a product that you have created and would like to sell it? You can do so on Amazon, ebay etc.

Right now Amazon allows you to advertise or sell your products online. It could be scented soap, scented candles, T shirts you name it- Take the leap and sell it online.

16.Drive for Amazon

I’m not sure if you know, but as a result of the Corona virus Covid-19, there has been an increase in online purchases.

As a result, Amazon is busy hiring drivers to deliver goods to their customers on time.

Put your driving skills to work and look up this gig and earn some extra income.

There are also additional side jobs in demand that can be done during the pandemic that can be found

17. Drive for Uber and Lyft

man in white dress shirt driving car

In addition to driving for Amazon, you can also look into becoming a driver for Uber and Lyft. Wear your protective mask and maybe a face shield if you want to, and you will be surprise how much money you will be able to generate.

18. Run a Taxi hustle

A few years ago, before I own a car, I was able to use personal taxi service to get my groceries and run other errands that i needed to do. These taxi would normally cost less than a regular taxi and a bit more than the local bus fare.

I found that this was a cool way to make some weekend money expecially during the christmas season when it is crazy busy.

However, I no longer see this service being available, at least not in my area.

So this may be another idea that you can use but be warned, to protect yourself against the virus by using mask, sanitizers and sanitize after every trip.

19.Video Games Tester.

Another great way or earning an income. Video game companies actually pay you for testing out different game. At the end, of the trial period you may have to give a review of the game in which you tested.

If you’re into Gaming, then this gig will be perfect for you. Check it out and ensure that you protect your eyes with a good pair of gaming glasses.

20. Dog Walking Service

Having a Dog walking service to generate passive income has so many benefits.

It allows you to exercise at least twice a day. If you love dogs, you can spend endless time with them and depending on the route that you take, it allows you to explore nature.

dog in skirt sitting near owner

Dog walking can generate a bit if you have more than one dog and if you walk at least twice a day.

Think about it, there are seniors who are unable to take their dogs on their walks and there are working class people who are just too busy to walk their dog.

That’s where you come in. However, ensure that you have some good doggie bags, poop picker and water bowls handy.

Bonus: Online Courses

Providing online courses is another lucrative idea that could bring in the dinero.

My advice to you is to start with a topic that you are an expert in, add in step by step instructions and when done promote it on your website, social media sites and email blast etc.

It may not be an advance course, but start with the basic. For example how to create an online course or how to save thousands of dollars by living frugal. I’m sure you get the idea.

So my dear friends, this list is by no means all the ways that you can generate passive income.

If you think of any others, please feel free to share in our comment section below.

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Now lastly, sharing is caring-If you think of someone who will benefit from this information share it.

If you don’t find a way to make money whilst you sleep, you will work until you die.

Warren Buffet

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